Information Security Policy
Nextremer Co., Ltd. (From now on referred to as "Nextremer") is committed to company-wide information security based on the following policy to protect information assets entrusted by customers and Nextremer's information assets from threats such as accidents, disasters, and crimes, and to live up to the trust of customers and society.
1 Management Responsibility
We will strive to systematically and continuously improve and enhance information security under the management's leadership.
2 Development of internal systems
We will establish an organization to maintain and improve information security and define information security measures as official internal rules.
3 Employee Initiatives
Our employees shall acquire the knowledge and skills required to ensure our commitment to information security.
4 Compliance with legal and contractual requirements
We comply with laws, regulations, codes, and contractual obligations related to information security and meet the expectations of our customers.
5 Response to violations and accidents
Personal information received by our company will be stored safely under strict control. We will appoint a person responsible for handling personal information within our company, specify a person in charge of handling each piece of data containing personal information, and appropriately manage records of receipt, storage location, access privileges, and disposal records.
date of enactment: 2022/6/24
Nextremer Co., Ltd.
President & CEO Hisahiro Mukai